As we look around, we see such a fast-paced culture. We are moving from point A to point B with speed and often with a distracted mind. Our teenagers of today jump right into the hustle of our world and its demands, but at what cost? How long can we keep up this quick pace with our own strength? The answer is simple. We cannot simply go, go, go and think that we are invincible. Even Jesus got away and went to a quiet place. As Jesus retreated, he sought after the Father through prayer and worship, and this is what we want to do at our Unplugged retreat; we want to seek the Lord and fix our eyes on the author and perfecter of our faith. November 15th - November 17th will be a time for our students to pause and physically retreat from the world, their phones, social media, and anything else that may be hindering them. 

First, we will catch a bus down to Fort Caswell, the perfect spot to see God's creation and seek him. Then, with the help of a beautiful backdrop, we will spend time in the word, prayer, and worship while having a blast meeting new friends and making lifelong relationships. Unplugged is a retreat unlike any other we do throughout the year, and we believe God will work in this retreat to do infinitely more in our students' faith. Spots will fill up quickly, so don't miss out! 

Coming Soon!



Registration Open: Wednesday, September 4th - Wednesday, October 9th

*Spots are limited. Registration will close once spots are filled.

Cost: $170 per student

*payments non-refundable with the exception of sickness or emergency  

When: Friday, November 15th (5:30pm check-in) - Sunday, November 17th (3:00pm back to church)

Where: Fort Caswell, Oak Island, NC


Coming Soon!

Registration Open Now!

Spots Limited
