Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
Thinking about a teenager's daily rhythms, we could conclude that it consists of waking up late, hardly eating a healthy breakfast, while nearly making it to school on time. Once they got to school, they realized they had forgotten that due report and failed a pop quiz while forgetting to bring their lunch money. They worked harder on maintaining friendships throughout their day than working on their school work. After they get home, they hop on their socials, spending more time trying out a new TikTok than doing their homework and studying. After a tv dinner with the un-present family, they go to their room to binge-watch those shows on Netflix, all to wake up and do the same thing over again the next day.
This is not living; this is a trap that most people think is life. So during this series, we will look at how setting up RHYTHMS of spiritual disciplines will help students live the life Jesus promises them. This is a message to the believer…it is a message to help them grow closer to the Lord throughout the summer. To those who have not accepted the Lord, this will be an invitation to start a relationship with Jesus and build off his foundation.
WEEK 2 - May 11th
WEEK 1 - May 4th
During the next two months, we will work through the book of Philippians. In just four chapters, Paul lays out how to live out the gospel and how we should focus our minds on Christ. As we focus on Christ, we will walk in righteousness. As we walk in righteousness, we will be citizens of heaven and live our lives worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:27).
WEEK 8 - April 27th
WEEK 7 - April 20th
WEEK 6 - April 6th
WEEK 5 - (March 30th)
WEEK 4 - (March 23rd)
WEEK 3 - (March 16th)
WEEK 2 - (March 9th)
WEEK 1 -(March 2nd)
Relationships are HARD and it can be easy to try to navigate them the way the world does. During this series, we will have different panels that will answer all of our students questions about friends, dating and sex in a way that will prayerfully teach them how to thrive in God’s design in all of their different relationships.
WEEK 4 - (February 23rd)
WEEK 3 - (February 16th)
WEEK 2 - (February 9th)
WEEK 1 - (February 2nd)
The Most uncompromising and compassionate people in the world are the ones who follow Jesus, but it all starts from within. Before you “refresh your feed” you have to allow the Spirit of God to refresh your heart.
Throughout this series we will be looking at the sermon on the mount (Matthew 5:1-16) to learn what true righteous living looks like.
WEEK 3 - (January 19th)
WEEK 2 - (January 12th)
WEEK 1 - (January 5th)
We live on mission and we love others through service. These are the two out of the seven core values we have at Scotts Hill. We want to put a focus on these two core values over this series and explain to our students that living on mission and loving others through service is never out of season for a believer. We know from Mark 10:45 that Jesus came, not to be served but, to serve. Over this series our desire is to explain why we serve and how to make serving a rhythm of life. We want our students to be in a constant state of living on mission. And to do this well we need to fix our eyes on Jesus.
WEEK 2 - (December 8th)
WEEK 1 - (December 1st)
Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9
We have to learn what is causing fatigue in order to fight it. As we look to the word we can see multiple things that can hinder our walk with God. By understanding what these things are and learning how to fight them we will see Galatians 6:9 come to life in our faith walk.
WEEK 3 (November 17th)
WEEK 2 (November 10th)
WEEK 1 (November 3rd)
Jesus is the Son of God; He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Because of Jesus, we are no longer enemies with God. We want students to understand without Jesus, we are all destined to die, but because of the work of Jesus, we are seen as righteous and given eternal life. During this series, we will see how Jesus is the ONLY ONE who can save. We will look at the 7 “I am statements” that Jesus uses to describe himself in the gospel of John, and in this study, we will see that Jesus is the only one who could live up to these statements.
WEEK 1 (October 6th)
WEEK 2 (October 13th)
WEEK 3 (October 20th)
Star Wars Booha
The word of God is Better Than _____ .
The Word of God is our foundation for truth and it is what every believer should hide away in their heart. Psalms 119:1-16 will guide us as we discover how the Bible is better than a story, worldly treasures, others, and even ourselves. We want students to thirst after the scriptures and strip away anything that hinders their faith. We believe the Bible is a guide for life the God’s words to His people.